SCMHT - Strathcona Community Mental Health Team
SCMHT stands for Strathcona Community Mental Health Team
Here you will find, what does SCMHT stand for in Hospital under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Strathcona Community Mental Health Team? Strathcona Community Mental Health Team can be abbreviated as SCMHT What does SCMHT stand for? SCMHT stands for Strathcona Community Mental Health Team. What does Strathcona Community Mental Health Team mean?Strathcona Community Mental Health Team is an expansion of SCMHT
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SCHC Strathcona County Health Centre
- SMGH Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital
- SLH Stuart Lake Hospital
- SSHC Sturdy Stone Health Centre
- SCH Sturgeon Community Hospital
- SGH Summerland General Hospital
- SH&CC Sundre Hospital & Care Centre
- SHHCFC Sunny Hill Health Centre For Children
- SWCH Sunnybrook and Women's College Hospital
- SWCHSC Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre
- SL Sunset Lodge
- SCCHC Sunshine Coast Community Health Council
- SCHC Sunshine Coast Health Center
- SCMH Sunshine Coast Mental Health
- SADC Surrey Alcohol and Drug Clinic
- SCKD Surrey Community Kidney Dialysis
- SMH Surrey Memorial Hospital
- SHC Sussex Health Centre
- SHMH Sutherland Harris Memorial Hospital